THE bride
Life within AYHVHAE…
Through our testimonies of Him – He can touch other lives.
2 Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

THE bride
” I have always wanted to be a bride. For a very long time to be married was my one and only goal. With patience and prayer it finally happened and I was blessed to have my path cross with Crystal Chanté AYHVHAÉ. Everything happened perfectly divine, she was sent to me from God’s Hand.
I could feel Gods presence the first time I met her and that is the reason I have to share this amazing testimony. I saw the perfect wedding dress 3 years before I got engaged. Three years later I met the designer and at my final fitting I shared with her that I am anxious and was having problems with my skin. She gave me Crystal’s contact details and shared about AYHVHAÉ Pure Pursue and AYHVHAÉ Extra Oil within Crystal’s ministry where she prophetically prepares Brides for the Kingdom of God and for Their Bridegroom. Crystal counseled me and helped me get “bride ready – faithfully”. She helped me to get in the right mindset(mind, soul, spirit) to be my husbands wife and God’s Bride and through that, I realized how holy the marriage and covenant is. Crystal gave me the AYHVHAÉ Extra Oil to use while praying and preparing to be a bride at the feet of God. I used the oil everyday until the day of my wedding. All the anxiety was washed off my shoulders, my skin cleared and was perfect on the day of our wedding. A true miracle! It was amazing to have such a woman of God in my life. It is wonderful to see God’s work through her.”

the bride
“Journey saam met AYHVHAÉ
Crystal het my nie net pragtig fisies voorberei (hare & grimmering) nie maar sy het my ook geestelik help voorberei vir die Bruilof van die Lam waarvan my en Lourens se bruilof ‘n skaduprentjie was. Sy het seëning oor my en my en Lourens se huwelik uitgespreek en my kans gegee om Abba in elke proses van die dag en voorbereidingstydperk in te nooi en saam met Yeshua te stap sodat ek Sy plan sou sien en opgewonde kon raak vir Sy wil om te geskied.
Met daardie inligting kontak ek toe vir Yolandé van Eulogeo Zeloo Couture. Sy sê toe ek moet haar by ‘n materiaal winkel ontmoet. Crystal het ons daar ontmoet en die Melchitsedek Bruids Garment vir my gewys: die patroon wat Abba aan haar bekend gemaak het. Ek was so opgewonde!

the bride
“In the home I grew up in I felt unwanted as a girl, so I grew up as my brothers brother. Since I can remember I’ve been hiding behind my clothes. I became comfortable with being invisible. Until Jesus changed me with His love, making me realize that He created me to be a woman and He has a purpose for me as a woman of God.
I have been and still am on this incredible journey of how to think like a woman and act like a woman. On this journey God called me to produce films of real life stories. The Lord sent Crystal Chanté on my way. Her ministry is all about being reintroduced to ABBA’s heart wearing the heart of the Lord from within, baring His fruit of love and life and finding and living your identity in Him alone.
Now God is working on my way of dressing. No more hiding.
Thank you Crystal for helping me on this journey, for helping me clear out my cupboards releasing me from all the clothes I’ve been hiding behind, teaching me how to see beauty, how to dress like a woman, teaching me how to use makeup and how to wait on Him and trust. I am becoming the woman God intended me to be since before creation.
Praise ABBA Father alone!!“
13 September 2019

the bride
“Ek wil net ‘n oomblik vat en jou vandag honour vir wie en wat jy is. Nog nooit het ek iemand ontmoet wat my so baie kom leer het oor myself en oor Yeshua nie. Jou hart en liefde vir mense en dat jy in boldness altyd sal opstaan vir ons Koning het my kom inspire.
Jy is nie net super mooi van buite nie maar even mooier van binne. Mag die nuwe journey waarop die Here jou sit so geseend wees. Mag jy mense se harte aanraak soos nog nooit tevore nie. Mag elke stukkie grond waar jy jou voete neersit in Royalty verander.
Jou naam is beslis op my hart geskryf. Susters in die gees.
Baie lief vir jou.“
21 September 2019

the bride
“”Thank you for the support you gave me when I was going through a difficult time in my life. You shaped my decisions for better and for that I am forever grateful that GOD put you on my path!! May GOD continue blessing you so you can touch more lives through your testimony and your sweetest and humble voice. Thanks again, lav yah!”
I praise Father YAHWEH for HIS Goodness and Greatness in this moment where this woman opened her heart to me the day she asked me if I could help her by getting the hospital details as she was planning on aborting her baby.
Today we celebrate that she will not be aborting her baby and she showed me the photo after going for her first scan.
She will be having her baby in a few months and the force of Life has once again prevailed! For we are not to take the life ABBA has so graciously given.
All my Love,
AYHVHAE Crystal Chante“

the bride
“Crys, geen mens het al ooit so sag met my gewerk nie. Hoe jy met soveel sagte liefde aan my hare vat en met my werk, om my te help voorberei vir my troue – behoort elke vrou te ervaar.”

the bride
Ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas iemand my met soveel liefde en teerheid versorg het nie! Ek het my oë toegehou die meeste v d tyd… want my siel het als ingedrink!
Ek dink DIT is ‘n klein voorsmakie van hoe dit sal voel
as die Gees v YaHUaH ons deur die Esegiel 16 :9-14 behandeling neem…
Dit het diep genesing gebring… om te ervaar…
Mag ons ABBA jou nog kragtiger gebruik en seën!